Friends of Fakahatchee: Dedicated to financial and volunteer support to preserve the unique ecology and cultural heritage of Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park and educate the public about its importance.
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Members are elected to our board each April for 2-year terms. The current board members come from a wide variety of backgrounds including education, the professions, tourism, business, and volunteerism.
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Members are elected to our board each April for 2-year terms. The current board members come from a wide variety of backgrounds including education, the professions, tourism, business, and volunteerism.
Members are elected to our board each April for 2-year terms. The current board members come from a wide variety of backgrounds including education, the professions, tourism, business, and volunteerism.
Members are elected to our board each April for 2-year terms. The current board members come from a wide variety of backgrounds including education, the professions, tourism, business, and volunteerism.
Dick and Edite Hughes receive 2019 Mel Finn Award

Five Faces of Fakahatchee Gala

October and November dates set for volunteer work days