Paul Arsenault spent time at the Fakahatchee Hilton working for the upcoming Boardwalk Fundraiser.
Well-known Naples Artist Paul Arsenault is no stranger to the Fakahatchee. He’s painted knee deep in water in the swamp, and he has offered to donate an original painting to raise funds for the FOF. On top of that, Paul will hold an event on Thursday, January 16, 2020 from 6:00 PM to 8 PM at his Banyan Arts Gallery on 3rd Street in Naples.
We will be honoring Laverne Gaynor Norris as part of the event. Her father, Lester Norris, bought 640 acres in 1957 to prevent it from being logged. That tract of land is known to all of us as the Big Cypress Bend Boardwalk. This fundraising event will give us the opportunity to express our gratitude to Mrs. Gaynor and celebrate her father’s vision and generous donation of the land and Boardwalk to the State Park Service. We hope you can join us for this event to help realize the dream of the Boardwalk Expansion Project.
Mark your calendar and check back for additional details about this event.