Seen Around the Fakahatchee

Seen Around the Fakahatchee

Friends of Fakahatchee: Dedicated to financial and volunteer support to preserve the unique ecology and cultural heritage of Fakahatchee Strand Preserve State Park and educate the public about its importance.

Meet Our Residents

People come to Fakahatchee to see what’s rare in our modern world: Wildlife! The remote acres and variety of ecosystems mean that a vast array of creatures are at home here.

Whether you walk the boardwalk, take a tram ride, or venture down the trails, you are sure to see resident amphibians, reptiles, mammals, birds, and, of course, insects.

Rose Flynn is caught in front of the lens.

Rose Flynn is caught in front of the lens.

Mike Owen’s Surprise

Where can I find Recent Sightings?

Several paths to Wildlife sightings by volunteers and visitors in the Fakahatchee.

On our Friends of Fakahatchee Facebook page visitors often report remarkable sightings and share wonderful photos and videos of the wildlife that calls Fakahatchee home. Be sure to Follow us!

If you’re an Instagram user, search for #fakahatchee and see the most recent photos. You’re bound to enjoy the bounty of nature shared.

Another way to see wildlife is to volunteer with the Fakahackers or nature interpreters on the tours or the boardwalk. You’ll often see our residents such as Barred Owls, Virginia Opossums, Alligators, Great Egrets, Gray Catbirds or the beautiful Painted Bunting. Overhead you’ll see a variety of bird species depending on time of year, such as Swallow-Tail Kites swooping low over the trees on East Main.

When you have been out ‘in the Fak,’ be sure to report your wildlife sightings, including time of day and location if possible.

The annual Fakahatchee Christmas Bird Count totalled 31 species of birds, such as this Black-Crowned Night Heron. Also found were Bobcat tracks, Florida Black Bear scat that look like chia pets, a Panther scrape, a Leaf-footed Bug, spiders, butterflies as well as mosquitoes too numerous to count. Kathy Hatch said, “It was a pleasant morning to be with friends and look for birds and other wildlife.” She was joined by Dick Brewer and Karen Relish.
Black Crowned Night Heron

Photo of Black Crowned Night Heron by Becky Basford.

See what’s been seen at the Fakahatchee! Enjoy clicking through the slideshow to learn more about our fabulous flora and fauna. 